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Request Parameter Definitions

Component definitions for requestProfiles. The definition of each parameter as a component allows for reuse across multiple request patterns but also for e.g. easy referencing in OpenAPI endpoints.



Aminoacid alteration of interest. Format 1 letter Origin: Beacon v2.0


  • type: string
  • examples:
    • V600E
    • M734V



Genomic assembly accession and version as RefSqeq assembly accession (e.g. "GCF_000001405.39") or a versioned assembly name or synonym such as UCSC Genome Browser assembly (e.g. "hg38") or Genome Reference Consortium Human (e.g. "GRCh38.p13") names. DEPRECATION NOTE: The use of a assembly specific sequence identifier obviates this parameter. Not part of VRS v2 aligned model versions.


  • versions:

    • v1
    • v2.0
    • v2.1
  • type: string

  • example:

    • GCF_000001405.39
    • hg38
    • GRCh38.p13



  • A gene identifier
  • It is strongly suggested to use a symbol following the HGNC ( nomenclature. Origin: Beacon v2.0


  • type: string
  • examples:
    • BRAF
    • SCN5A



HGVSId descriptor Origin: Beacon v2.0


  • type: string
  • examples:
    • NM_004006.2:c.4375C>T



Reference sequence id for genomic reference sequence in which variant coordinates are given, e.g. "refseq:NC_000009.12" for human chromosome 9 in the GRCh38 assembly. The use of the assembly specific RefSeqId is recommended although alternatively names, synonymous or aliases e.g. "chr9" could be used in conjunction with an Assembly parameter. DEPRECATION NOTE: To be replaced with the RefgetAccession from VRS v2.


  • type: string
  • example:
    • refseq:NC_000009.12
    • chr9
    • NC_012920.1



The reference bases for the variant at the indicated position. It is based on the VCF cocept of having (anchored) reference bases at an indicated genomic location in combination with alternateBases to define their replacement. In contrast, standards such as GA4GH VRS only indicate the sequence observed at a given base position, including the use of an empty sequence together with start + end positions with end - start > 0 to indicate deletions. Origin: VCF derived (optional) use in Beacon v0.3 -> v2.1 Status: LEGACY


  • $ref: #/$defs/Sequence



The bases of a sequence variant at a given position differing from the reference sequence, as defined by the referenceBases parameter. Please see refereenceBases for further information. Origin: VCF derived use in Beacon v0.3 -> v2.1 Status: LEGACY


  • $ref: #/$defs/Sequence



DNA bases.

  • Accepted values: [ACGTN]*
  • N is a wildcard, that denotes the position of any base, and can be used as a standalone base of any type or within a partially known sequence. As example, a query of ANNT the Ns can take take any form of [ACGT] and will match ANNT, ACNT, ACCT, ACGT ... and so forth.
    Origin: VRS v1.n TODO: Review use of base characters.



The variantType is used to query variants which are not defined through a sequence of one or more bases using the alternateBases parameter. This VCF derived parameter is being replaced by the more specific VRS derived parameters such as copyChange. (Legacy) Examples here are e.g. structural variants:
DUP - increased allelic count of material from the genomic region between start and end positions - no assumption about the placement of the additional sequences is being made (i.e. no in situ requirement as tandem duplications)
DEL: deletion of sequence following start

In contrast to the updated VRS based v2.n parameters such as copyChange the Beacon v1.1 -> v2.1 query model is not prescriptive with regard to the values allowed for variantType with use of extended types (e.g. EFO:0030063) being permitted. However, a support for the basic CNV types above - where represented in the data - is recommended. Status: LEGACY with potential use in v2.n for non-CNV parameters

For CNVs it is highly recommenmded to us the EFO terminology which has becomne default for the VRS data model (v1.3 and v2):

* EFO:0030069: complete genomic loss         
* EFO:0020073: high-level loss         
* EFO:0030068: low-level loss         
* EFO:0030067: loss         
* EFO:0030064: regional base ploidy         
* EFO:0030070: gain         
* EFO:0030071: low-level gain         
* EFO:0030072: high-level gain    

Endpoints are expected to provide query expansion according to the hierarchy of the terms:

- EFO:0030064 - EFO:0030067
    |- EFO:0030068
    \- EFO:0020073
         \- EFO:0030069
- EFO:0030070
    |- EFO:0030071
    \- EFO:0030072
additional parameter (variantClass?).


  • type: string
  • examples:
    • EFO:0030070
    • DUP
    • DEL
    • EFO:0030069



NOTE: This parameter will be potentially replaced by the VRS based definition which uses either an integer or a Range (2 integers) in contrast to the use of an array with 1 or 2 integers here. The difference lies in the format of "1 integer array" versus "1 integer". Precise or fuzzy start coordinate position(s), allele locus (0-based, inclusive).

  • start only:
  • for single positions, e.g. the start of a specified sequence alteration where the size is given through the specified alternateBases
  • typical use are queries for SNV and small InDels
  • the use of start without an end parameter requires the use of alternateBases
  • 1 value in both start and end:
  • for searching any variant falling fully or partially within the range between start and end (a.k.a. "range query")
  • additional use of variantType OR alternateBases can limit the scope of the query
  • by convention, partial overlaps of variants with the indicated genomic range are accepted; for specific overlap requirements the 4-parameter "Bracket Queries" should be employed
  • 2 values in both start and end for constructing a "Bracket Query":
  • can be used to match any contiguous genomic interval, e.g. for querying imprecise positions
  • identifies all structural variants starting between start[0] and start[1], and ending between end[0] <-> end[1]
  • single or double sided precise matches can be achieved by setting start[1]=start[0]+1 and end[1]=end[0]+1


  • type: array
  • items:
    • type: integer
    • format: int64
    • minimum: 0
  • minItems: 1
  • maxItems: 2




See the start parameter for information on the potential replacement of this parameter with the VRS based definition. Precise or bracketing the end of the variants of interest:

  • (0-based, exclusive) - see start
  • for bracket queries, provide 2 values (e.g. [111,222]).


  • type: array
  • items:
    • type: integer
    • format: int64
    • minimum: 1
  • minItems: 1
  • maxItems: 2



  • while the mateName parameter was originally defined for Beacon v1.1 it was never properly documented and is not considered a part of the supported Beacon v2.n specification. It is now fully implemented in the VRS v2 based adjacencyAccession parameter. Status: DEPRECATED in v2.n


  • $ref: #/$defs/RefSeqId



genomic start position of fusion partner breakpoint region Status: DEPRECATED in v2.n (see mateName)


  • type: integer



genomic end position of fusion partner breakpoint region Status: DEPRECATED in v2.n (see mateName)


  • type: integer



  • Minimum length in bases of a genomic variant
  • This is an optional parameter without prescribed use. While a length is commonly available for structural variants such as copy number variations, it is recommended that length based queries should also be supported for variants with indicated referenceBases and alternateBases, to enable length-specific wildcard queries. Origin: Beacon v2.0 Status: DEPRECATED in v2.n (see sequenceLength)


  • type: integer
  • format: int64
  • minimum: 0



  • Maximum length in bases of a genomic variant.
  • This is an optional parameter without prescribed use. While a length is commonly available for structural variants such as copy number variations, it is recommended that length based queries should also be supported for variants with indicated referenceBases and alternateBases, to enable length-specific wildcard queries. Status: DEPRECATED in v2.n (see sequenceLength) Origin: Beacon v2.0


  • type: integer
  • format: int64
  • minimum: 1